what does it mean to be in your element

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And so Await, What Does It Mean If My Big 3 Are All In The Same Chemical element?


Hey everyone! I'one thousand Syd, BuzzFeed's resident Blue-Haired Astrology Girl™. Recently, I invited you all to DM me your astro questions on Insta and Twitter and told you I'd answer them!!!

Well, this calendar week's question comes from someone on Instagram — permit'south call her "Air Queen."

Syd Robinson / Instagram

She asks, "Would you be able to give an overview of traits related to triple signs?" Yes, Air Queen, ABSOLUTELY!

So, what exactly does she mean past "triple signs"? While that's not really the exact term, Air Queen is talking almost when all of your Big 3 placements (your Lord's day, Moon, and Rising signs) are all in the same element (either Fire, Water, Globe, or Air).

Syd Robinson

Here's a piddling chart I drew!!!

For example, since all of Air Queen's Big 3 placements are in Air signs, this means she could accept whatever combination of Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra.

Pop / giphy.com

She could be a Gemini Dominicus, Aquarius Moon, Libra Rising, a Libra Lord's day, Libra Moon, Gemini rising, an Aquarius Sun, Moon, and Rise, then on and so along!

Now, dear reader, look at your own Big 3 placements. Are they in unlike elements, or are whatsoever of them in the same chemical element?


Here's my Co—Star chart as an example — LOL! As yous can see, both my Sunday and Rising signs are Aries, then I take two Fire placements in my Big iii.

Basically, if you have all of your Large three (or honestly, even just ii) in one chemical element, then that'southward a pretty big indicator of the kind of energy y'all give off.

Peloton / giphy.com

Of form this all gets more complicated when planets and aspects come into play, merely on basic terms, I feel like this is a pretty good way to put information technology.

Now, let's talk near the kind of free energy each element brings to the tabular array!!!

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius):

Adult Swim / giphy.com

Fire signs are all nearly passion, disrespect, and hazard. They're confident, natural-born leaders who arroyo all things with excitement until they burn out or lose interest. Even so, these guys ever manage to rise once again, and when they practise, they tend to burn down brighter than before.

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn):

MDR / giphy.com

World signs are the nearly "grounded" people of the Zodiac. Reliable, wise, sensual, hardworking — these are some of the first words that come to mind with these guys. Sometimes, they can be a little too prepare in their means, but at the end of the twenty-four hour period, you know what you're gonna go with them, and and then you'll always be able to depend on 'em!

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius):

Touchstone Pictures / giphy.com

Air signs are known for their social skills, need for change, and creativity. When you think of Air signs, call up "winds of change," as Air folks truly are the alter-makers of our world. These folks march to the trounce of their ain drums, and in this mode, they can ever feel a bit out of reach. However, they e'er manage to bring their ain unique flair — a scrap of ✨spice✨, if you lot will — to everything in life.

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces):

NBC / giphy.com

Water signs are sensitive and intuitive, and natural healers and light workers. They selection up on the emotions of others instinctively and tend to feel emotions more deeply than the average person. They usually have some sort of interest in the occult, every bit they feel as if they somehow exist betwixt that world and this i.

Another important matter to annotation is which placement of your Big iii (over again, your Dominicus, Moon, and Rising) is in each element. Then, apace, let'due south go over what each member of your Big 3 indicates:

The Sun sign

BBC / giphy.com

Your Sun sign is your ego; your broadest sense of grapheme. In her book The Only Astrology Book Yous'll Ever Need — which I agree, you NEED — astrologer Joanna Martine Woolfolk describes your whole natal nautical chart as "a painting of you," with the characteristics of your Lord's day sign being "the wide strokes that the artist get-go lays downwards on the canvas." I love this way of thinking of it!!!

The Moon sign

FOX / giphy.com

Your Moon sign is all about emotions, instincts, and your inner self. How do you lot react without thinking? What parts of yourself do you run across just hope no 1 else does? These feelings all have to practise with your Moon sign.

The Rising sign (aka Dominant)

reddit.com giphy.com

Your Rising sign, aka your Ascendant, is how you appear to, and are perceived by, others. Think of yourself as a business firm, and the Rising sign is your front door. Everyone sees it, merely only a couple people get to come inside and visit all that is ✨you✨!

TL;DR: Overall, having two or more of your Big 3 placements in the same chemical element but ways that energy is very prominent in your personality. Promise this helps, Air Queen!!!

Vice / giphy.com

All you have to exercise is run across which sign/element each placement falls into, and that should give you a little more than insight into yourself, or anyone else's Big 3 you might be curious about. 😏

What are YOUR Large 3 and what elements are they? Tell me in the comments and let'due south hash out!!!

Oh, and if you lot'd like whatever more 💫astro advice💫, all you lot have to do is DM me on Instagram or Twitter for the chance to get your question answered!!!

Syd Robinson

The rules: All DMs sent to me are for publication on BuzzFeed. Because of the high volume of DMs I receive, I'thousand not able to answer to individual messages or provide any advice one-on-one. As well, please try to keep your DMs concise; the whole message must fit into a unmarried screenshot or information technology will not exist selected. Cheers!!!


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/sydrobinson1/sun-moon-rising-same-element-astrology-advice

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