Officer Already in Office Running Again


Elections Canada has compiled a glossary of electoral terms. Click on a alphabetic character below to move to the terms that brainstorm with that letter of the alphabet, or simply utilise your browser'south ringlet bar to view all of them.


Accessibility (accessibilité)

The extent to which obstacles to a identify or activity accept been removed. Voting at a federal balloter event is very accessible. All election mean solar day polling places, with just a few exceptions, accept level access. Voters who are unable to mark the ballot tin can receive help. At that place is a voting template for persons with a visual disability. All advance poll sites accept level admission.

Accelerate voting (vote par apprehension)

The polls are open between nine a.chiliad. and 9:00 p.m. on Fri, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, the tenth, 9th, eighth and 7th days before ballot day, for those who want to vote early on. The ballots are kept in a sealed envelope until election mean solar day and are counted at the aforementioned time as the other ballots.


Election (bulletin de vote)

A piece of newspaper on which are printed the names of the candidates, their political parties and a place for the voter to indicate the preferred candidate. (At a plebiscite, the ballot has a printed question and spaces for the voter to respond "Yes" or "No.") Canada uses the hugger-mugger ballot, which means no ane except the voter knows the selection that was made.

Ballot box (urne)

A paper-thin box with a narrow slot on pinnacle, into which all ballots issued to electors are placed until the polls close and the votes are counted. There is one ballot box at each polling station.

Bill (projet de loi)

New legislation, or changes to an existing police force proposed to Parliament. Bills must be debated and passed past both the Business firm of Commons and the Senate before they become laws.

By-election (élection partielle)

An ballot held in a detail electoral district to fill a vacancy in the House of Commons at any time other than during a full general election. Several past-elections may be held on the aforementioned twenty-four hour period.


Canada Elections Act (Loi électorale du Canada)

The law that governs the conduct of federal elections in Canada.

Candidate (candidat)

A person who seeks election to public role. A candidate running in a federal ballot or by-election is trying to be elected a member of Parliament. The candidates' signs dot the landscape in each balloter district.

Candidate'southward representative (représentant de candidat)

A candidate's representative may be nowadays at the polling station during the voting and counting of the ballots. Often chosen a scrutineer.

Fundamental polling place (centre de scrutin)

A voting site containing more than than i polling station.

Central poll supervisor (superviseur d'un middle de scrutin)

The returning officer's representative at a polling identify with iv or more polling stations. This person supervises the staff, including the deputy returning officers and poll clerks.

Chief Electoral Officer (directeur général des élections)

The independent officer of Parliament responsible for the management of federal elections and referendums. Marc Mayrand is the sixth Canadian to hold this office since it was established in 1920.


Come across Electoral district

Counting of the votes (dépouillement du scrutin)

The process of counting the votes received at a polling station. The count is carried out by the deputy returning officeholder for the polling station, assisted by the poll clerk, after the close of the polling station. Candidates or their representatives are entitled to be present for the count and to receive a copy of the statement of the vote showing the number of votes cast for each candidate at that polling station.


Deputy returning officer (scrutateur)

The election or referendum officer who supervises a polling station. The deputy returning officer's tasks include making decisions well-nigh a person's eligibility to vote, counting the ballots and certifying the results.


Election day (jour de l'élection)

The day near people go to vote. Also known every bit polling twenty-four hour period. Election day must be a Monday, and at least 36 days afterwards the writs are issued. If that Monday happens to be a holiday, ballot day is the following Tuesday.

Elections Canada (Élections Canada)

The non-partisan agency responsible for the running of federal elections, past-elections and referendums. Also known as the Office of the Chief Balloter Officer.

Elector (électeur)

A person who is a Canadian denizen at least 18 years old, and therefore eligible to vote.

Balloter boundaries (limites des circonscriptions)

The lines defining the outer limits of electoral districts. The boundaries are readjusted by contained electoral boundaries commissions (one for each province) after each decennial (x-year) census conducted by Statistics Canada. The boundary adjustments reverberate changes and movements in Canada's population. This procedure is known as redistribution. The most recent redistribution was conducted in 2012–2013, taking effect for the 2022 general election. Information technology provided 15 additional ridings for Ontario, vi more each for British Columbia and Alberta, and 3 more for Quebec, bringing the total number of seats in the House of Commons to 338.

Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Human activity (Loi sur la révision des limites des circonscriptions électorales)

The police force that outlines the rules for readjusting electoral district boundaries.

Electoral district (circonscription)

A geographical area represented past a member of the Firm of Commons; often called a riding or constituency. There are 338 federal electoral districts in Canada (equally of the 2022 general election).

Electoral district association (association de circonscription)

Also known as a riding clan or a constituency association, information technology is a local association of members of a political political party in an electoral district. If an electoral commune association of a registered political political party wants to accept contributions, provide goods and services or transfer funds, it must apply to the Chief Balloter Officer to be registered.

Electoral event (scrutin)

A generic term used to describe a general election, by-election or referendum.

Electoral system (système électoral)

Canada uses a kickoff-by-the-mail service arrangement. In this system, the candidate who gets more than votes than whatever other candidate in the electoral district wins. Information technology is thus not necessary to obtain an accented majority of the votes (50 percent plus one) to be elected.

Enfranchisement (admission au suffrage)

Extension of the right to vote to a particular group of people. Some examples include the 1918 extension of the franchise to women and the 1970 lowering of the voting age from 21 years to eighteen.

Expenses limit (plafond des dépenses électorales)

Maximum amount that a candidate or registered political political party is authorized to spend during an election period. The limit is calculated on the basis of the number of registered electors in the electoral district in which the candidate is running, or in all the balloter districts in which the registered party is running confirmed candidates. It is indexed every yr for inflation.


Franchise (droit de vote)

The right to vote.


General election (élection générale)

An election held simultaneously in every electoral commune in Canada.


Identification (identification)

To receive a election at the polling station or to register to vote at the advance polls or on election day, electors must prove their identity and accost. They can: (one) evidence one original piece of ID with the elector'south photograph, name and address, such equally a driver's licence; (2) show two original pieces of identification from a listing authorized past the Chief Electoral Officeholder of Canada – both with the elector's name and one with the elector'due south address, such as a health card and hydro beak; or (3) prove identity in the prescribed way and declare their identity and address in writing and have someone who knows them and who is assigned to their polling station vouch for the elector.

The voucher must be able to evidence their identity and accost. A person can vouch for only 1 person (except in long-term care institutions).


Judicial recount (dépouillement judiciaire)

Second count of the votes conducted in front of a judge, automatically requested by the returning officer if two candidates are tied or the difference between the ii leading candidates is less than 1/1000 of the votes bandage. An elector may also apply to a judge for a recount inside four days after the returning officeholder validates the results of the vote. The asking is granted if information technology appears from affirmation evidence that a deputy returning officer incorrectly counted or rejected ballots, or incorrectly recorded the number of votes cast for a canddate; or the returning officer added the votes incorrectly.


Leadership contestant (candidat à la management)

A person seeking to be the leader of his or her federal political political party.

Level access (accès de apparently-pied)

Apartment or gently sloping access from the street to the within of a polling identify. Level access is essential so that electors using wheelchairs and others who take difficulty with stairs or curbs tin can practice their correct to vote.

List of electors (liste électorale)

The list of names and addresses of all registered electors that is used at a polling station when people vote. Also known every bit the voters list.


Mobile poll (bureau de scrutin itinérant)

A poll staffed past a deputy returning officer and a poll clerk, who travel on ballot twenty-four hour period from institution to establishment where seniors or persons with disabilities reside, to take their votes.


National Register of Electors (Registre national des électeurs)

A computerized database of Canadian citizens who have the right to vote. It is used to produce preliminary lists of electors for federal elections, by-elections and referendums. Data from the Register tin can as well be shared with provincial, territorial and municipal electoral agencies to produce lists of electors. Canadians may choose whether to have their names listed in the Annals. It is updated with data from federal, provincial and territorial administrative databases and voters lists between elections, and by electors themselves during elections.

Nomination contestant (candidat à l'investiture)

A person seeking to be named the official candidate of his or her political political party in an electoral district during an election.

Nomination papers (acte de candidature)

An Elections Canada class that must exist completed by candidates running for role in an balloter commune. It must include the post-obit: the signatures of the required number of electors from the electoral commune; a letter of support from the party if the candidate is endorsed by a registered or eligible party; and the name of an official amanuensis and auditor. Nomination papers must be submitted to the returning officer of the electoral district where the candidate wishes to seek election, along with a $one,000 eolith, which is refundable if the candidate'due south official agent submits the candidate's election expenses returns and unused official tax receipts within the required time.


Part of the returning officer (bureau du directeur du scrutin)

An part that is set in each balloter commune at the start of each general election, by-election or referendum. It is the place from which the returning officeholder and his or her staff serve the public during an electoral event. Also known as the local Elections Canada office.


Poll clerk (greffier du scrutin)

The ballot officer who assists the deputy returning officer at a polling station by checking to run across if a person's proper noun is on the listing of electors and past dealing with the paperwork.

Polling mean solar day

See Election mean solar day.

Polling partitioning (section de vote)

A small geographic section of an electoral district, for which a list of electors is prepared and a polling station is set up on ballot day. Each balloter commune has many polling divisions.

Polling station (bureau de scrutin)

The place where electors go to vote. Each elector is assigned to a specific polling station, according to his or her residential address.


Redistribution (redécoupage)

The periodic readjustment of electoral commune boundaries afterward a census to reflect population changes. Contained electoral boundaries commissions (ane for each province) hold public hearings before they redraw the maps.

Plebiscite (référendum)

An electoral result in which electors are asked to reply "Yes" or "No" to a written question. Referendums are used by governments to consult the people on specific issues. The most recent federal referendum was in 1992 on a proposal to amend the Constitution.

Referendum Act (Loi référendaire)

The law that sets out the rules for holding federal referendums in Canada. Under this act, federal referendums may exist held but on ramble problems.

Registered party (parti enregistré)

A political party that runs at to the lowest degree one candidate in a general ballot or by-election and complies with the requirements of the Canada Elections Act may be registered. Benefits of registering with the Chief Electoral Officer include having the party proper name appear on the election, the right to issue taxation receipts for monetary contributions, and fractional reimbursement of election expenses. Registered parties must disembalm their contributions received, election spending and other financial information.

Reminder card (carte de rappel)

A card that Elections Canada sends during an electoral event to every residence in the country, which reminds recipients of the dates for voting in accelerate or on ballot day. It also invites electors to call Elections Canada if they did not receive a voter information card about 1 week earlier.

Responsible government (responsabilité ministérielle)

A system of regime in which members of the executive (that is, Cabinet ministers) are responsible to the elected members of the legislature, who are in plow responsible to the people.

Returning officer (directeur du scrutin)

The election or referendum officer responsible for organizing an electoral event in an balloter district. He or she sets up an office in the commune and hires and supervises all of the staff, including the grooming officers, registration officers, revising agents, special ballot coordinators, customs relations officers, cardinal poll supervisors, information officers, deputy returning officers and poll clerks.

Revising agent (agent réviseur)

An election or referendum officer who updates the lists of electors during the revision period of an electoral effect. Revising agents receive applications from electors to have their names added to, corrected on, or deleted from the lists.

Revision (révision)

The process of adding new names to, correcting data on, and removing names from the lists of electors during the election period. The Master Electoral Officeholder determines the day the revision starts, which is typically on the 33rd day before ballot day. The official revision period is commonly 4 weeks in length.


See Electoral commune.

Due south

Special ballot (bulletin de vote spécial)

A election that can exist sent in past mail, or filled in at the local Elections Canada part, for use by electors who cannot go to their polling stations. An elector must first apply to Elections Canada for registration earlier 6:00 p.m. on the sixth mean solar day before polling twenty-four hours. The special ballot differs from a regular ballot in that the elector writes in the name of his or her preferred candidate.

Special ballot coordinator (coordonnateur des bulletins de vote spéciaux)

The staff member in the office of the returning officer who assists electors to annals and vote by special election.


Targeted revision (révision ciblée)

Part of the process of updating the lists of electors during the revision menstruum of an balloter consequence. Pairs of revising agents visit areas of high mobility, including new subdivisions, apartment buildings and student residences, as well equally nursing homes and chronic care hospitals, to annals electors who are not nonetheless on the lists. A postal service-in registration package is left for residents who are not at home.

Third party (tiers)

A 3rd party is generally a person or grouping that wants to participate in or influence elections other than every bit a political party, electoral district association, nomination contestant or candidate. The term has different legal definitions in the pre-election period and election menstruation.

Please consult the Political Financing Handbook for Third Parties, Fiscal Agents and Auditors (EC 20227) for more details.

Transfer certificate (certificat de transfert)

A document issued by the returning officer or assistant returning officer that enables an elector to vote at a different polling station than the i to which he or she is assigned. Commonly used in the rare cases when a polling station does not accept level access and the elector requires such access.


Universal suffrage (suffrage universel)

The extension of the right to vote to all adult citizens.



Come across Elector.

Image of Voter Information Card
Text description

Voter information carte (carte d'data de 50'électeur)

A card that Elections Canada sends during an election campaign to every elector whose name appears on the preliminary lists of electors. It tells electors when and where they can cast their ballots on election day or at the advance polls. A card is also sent to every elector who is added to the list of electors during the revision period.

Voter registration desk (bureau d'inscription)

Located at the election day polling stations, information technology is the identify for electors to annals to vote if their names are not already on the list of electors. It is staffed by a registration officer, who fills out a registration certificate. Electors must provide acceptable proof of identity and residence, and sign the certificate.

An elector tin can still vote if they declare their identity and address in writing and take someone who knows them and who is assigned to their polling station vouch for the elector.

The voucher must be able to prove their identity and address. A person can vouch for only 1 person (except in long-term intendance institutions).

Voters list

See List of electors.

Voting screen (isoloir)

At the polling station, the privacy bulwark that shields from view the place where a voter goes to marker the election. In that location should be nothing on the table behind the voting screen but a pencil for use in mark the ballot.

Voting template (gabarit de vote)

A plastic ballot holder designed to help voters with a visual disability marker the ballot.


Writ of election (or writ of by-ballot or writ of referendum) (bref d'élection ou bref d'élection partielle ou bref référendaire)

The certificate signed by the Chief Electoral Officer that instructs the returning officeholder in an balloter commune to conduct an election (or referendum) on a specific date. After the election, the returning officer writes the proper name of the winning candidate on the writ, signs it, and returns it to the Chief Balloter Officer.


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